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Welcome to online bankruptcy counseling. You will be asked to enter information about yourself, which will assist us in collecting the required information needed to complete your counseling session.
- When you click "Begin Now" a disclosure statement will appear with Agency information
After accepting the disclosure statement, you will be asked to enter the following information:
- Contact information
- Co-applicant information, if applicable
- Your attorney contact information, if applicable
- Your email address which will be referred to as your User ID
- A password of your choosing
- Method of payment
- Once the method of payment is entered, you will begin the counseling session and will be asked questions about your:
- Income
- Monthly expenses
- Asset and liabilities
- Creditors
- After all of your information is entered, you will be able to view it before submitting it to our Agency
- Once the information has been submitted to our Agency, a PDF of your customized action plan will be immediately available to download
- A certified counselor will review the information you provided. In order to receive a certificate indicating that you completed the counseling session, you must have a brief follow up with one of our certified counselors by email, chat or telephone. More information on how to complete this federal bankruptcy requirement will appear at the end of the counseling session.
- Within one business day, you will receive via email your bankruptcy counseling certificate, a copy of your full budget analysis, and a customized action plan
- Within one business day, a copy of the bankruptcy counseling certificate will be faxed or emailed to your attorney (if you provided contact information)
NOTE: It is helpful to have items available such as pay stubs, bills related to household expenses and creditor statements. It is important to provide as much of the requested information as possible in order for us to better analyze your financial situation.
ACCS takes your privacy very seriously. All information provided is secure, safe and confidential and is backed by VeriSign Online Security.